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Acid Mothers Temple Shopzone



Acid Mothers Temple "Fully Vaccinated" Pins : mail-order International

- Acid Mothers Temple "Fully Vaccinated" 4 pins complete set : JPY1800 + Shipping (by Small Packet)

Acid Mothers Temple \"Fully Vaccinated\" Pins : mail-order International_c0355751_18502754.jpg
Acid Mothers Temple \"Fully Vaccinated\" Pins : mail-order International_c0355751_18531247.jpg
Acid Mothers Temple \"Fully Vaccinated\" Pins : mail-order International_c0355751_18532789.jpg
Acid Mothers Temple \"Fully Vaccinated\" Pins : mail-order International_c0355751_18532756.jpg
Acid Mothers Temple \"Fully Vaccinated\" Pins : mail-order International_c0355751_18532797.jpg

International Mail-order Only!
[If you live in Japan, please go to Acid Mothers Temple Store (Only domestic)!!]
※ 日本国内在住の方は、国内向け公式オンラインショップAcid Mothers Temple Storeにてお買い求め下さい。

Mail to
Please e-mail us first, and write "quantity" and "your country".
Payment by
Paypal only.
Shipping by only Small Packet. Unfortunately it's still impossible to send to Australia, Canada, Italy, Russia, Greece, India, South America, Middle East and Africa.

[Ship to USA (updated on16th Dec. 2021)]
It's only possible to send to US by EMS (No Small Packet!), so we send to all orders from US to Acid Mothers Temple Shopzone USA "UFO REAL" all at once by EMS, then ship to each customer by domestic delivery.

Shipping price :
ship to US JPY 750 / Canada, UK, EU JPY480 / Asia JPY350

by acidmothers666 | 2021-12-16 12:10 | Special Event

by acidmothers666